Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just Days Away!!!

Hello Everyone,

Here are some updates:

Due to a scheduling conflict, the church service will be held Friday @ approximately 11:00 am. Therfore, Firday evening and Saturday morning/afternoon are free for the city activities.

Some has asked about the t-shirt color. The T-shirt color is sand (or tan if you prefer).

The order for T-shirts has been placed. Late registrants will be unable to get a T-shirt.

I hope you are in the final planning stages as we are and we hope to see you soon.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

In The Home Stretch

Hello Family Members,

We are in the home stretch and are looking forward to your arrival. We are hoping that you all have your registrations in!!!

We are in the final planning stages to make your time here an enjoyable one.

If anyone is interested in singing at the Saturday service please e-mail, Tracy Gaston Phillips at: . Include in the subject, Blackmon Family Reunion.

Remember that Shuttle service for approximately $25 is available to the the Hotel with Super Shuttle.

If you have questions or need assistance feel free to contact me via e-mail at:

Safe Travels,

Windy G.