Hello Everyone,
We would like to extend our condolences to our Indiana family members for their recent loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
I've received some inquiries regarding the tentative reunion schedule and whether you'll need a rental car. Below I've listed the tentative schedule and if the event is onsite or offsite. Most offsite events will require transportation arrangements.
Thursday, July 9, 2009 : Meet / Greet, location at the Hotel
Friday, July 10, 2009: City Sites, location off site (transportation may be available)
Saturday, July, 11, 2009: Church Service - location offsite
Saturday, July 11, 2009: Banquet / Dance, location at the Hotel
Sunday, July 12, 2009: Picnic, location offsite
There is shuttle service available to and from LAX and the Hotel for about $13.00 each way via Super Shuttle.
There are many low airfares available. Southwest is now offering tickets for $99.00 each way. You can also book online with American Airlines using the Blackmon Family Reunion code: contract ID: HNM1102091514 authorization #: A8279AS and get 10% off your ticket. If you call the airline you will be charged a $20.00 booking fee. There is also a Blackmon Family Reunion discount through Avis (1-800-331-1600) rental car arranged by American Airlines; Avis code: AWD# B136001. Many thanks to Chantel from St. Louis, MO, in helping secure these discounts!!!
The Hotel rate is available on Wednesday, July 8th and Monday, July 13th. There is a limit on how many can take advantage of these rates; however, if we exceed our alloted amount of rooms for these days by time you book your room, please e-mail me so that I can attempt to negotiate for additional rooms. Remember to put Blackmon Family Reunion in the subject to prevent your e-mail from going to the Junk folder. winbmw@msn.com
Please get your registration forms in by the deadline. Thanks.
Windy G. - Blog Designer